Writing My Life

Now and Then


Simplify life by combining blogs.

Dear reader(s) – I imported the posts I created on “The Write Groove” site, and so there are a number that will show up with ancient dates – such as this one! rbs

A simple life has a different meaning and a different value for every person. For me, it means eliminating all but the essential, eschewing chaos for peace, and spending your time doing what’s important to you. ~ Leo Babauta

To the few readers who visit this site, I ask that you track me down at Writing My Life a new title for my primary blog that I’ve maintained for nearly 2 years.

I think you know I LOVE to write, and I write a lot, BUT I am NOT accomplishing the goal I’ve set: to write and publish a book by me.

I LOVE blogging, but it’s sort of getting in the way of that book goal of mine. You see I also host a THIRD blog: Link2Literacy. I created it as part of my day job working as the secondary literacy specialist for a school district. Something HAS to go, and so I chose to say adiós to The Write Groove as it receives very little attention AND the hits it does receive usually come from a spam source that promotes male enhancement products.

By combining blogs, retitling the resulting product, and broadening the focus, I think I can find more time for my writing goals that include blogging.

With that said, this is the last time I will post here, but I will keep this site enabled until the 5 or so consistent readers find me at my new place. In the meantime …